
State of decay controls
State of decay controls

state of decay controls

Light scattering by liquid surfaces, new developments,” Adv. Its main use currently is for characterization of liquid interfaces, including surfactant monolayers, 4,6 4. The method is quick and, at least in theory, could be very precise. (96)00308-9-i.e., the surface wave apparatus-as a tool for characterization of interfaces. Numerous studies have demonstrated the potential of the liquid-surface relaxational spectrometry 4 4.Ħ9, 63– 129 (1996). (96)00308-9 adsorption–desorption kinetics, and the related 5 5. or barrier-controlled 4 4.įast adsorption at the liquid-gas interface,” Adv. the diffusion- 3 3.Įnglewood Cliffs, NJ, 1962). Levich, Physicochemical Hydrodynamics (Įnglewood Cliffs, NJ, 1962). the Gibbs elasticity E of the adsorbed surfactant monolayer, 3 3.

state of decay controls

Stokes, Mathematical and Physical Papers (ģ, pp. while the decay length L d and the decay time t d are controlled by the viscosity of the liquid, 2 2. Hydrokinetic Solutions and Observations,” Phil. The wavelength λ can be used to infer the surface tension σ, 1 1. The ripples at a liquid interface carry rich information about the properties of the interface and the processes taking place there. It has been demonstrated that the effect of the surface elasticity on the wavelength is significant, and accurate wavelength data can actually be used to determine the elasticity if the surface tension is known. Surface tension can be measured from the wavelength data with precision of ☐.3 mN/m. The elasticity of an octanol monolayer has been determined with precision of ☑ mN/m, in excellent agreement with the theoretical value. An analytic approximation for the dispersion relation has been used to determine the Gibbs elasticity of a surfactant monolayer from the data for decay length vs frequency. High precision and accuracy have been achieved: standard deviation from the mean of ☐.5% for the wavelength and ☗% for the decay length mean deviations from the theoretical values ☐.2% for the wavelength and ±5% for the decay length. A code to process the images has been developed, which executes a regression analysis to determine the characteristics of the wave. It is based on the profilometry of waves decaying with distance, with a high-speed video camera detecting the light refracted by the surface. A capillary wave apparatus has been constructed that combines several recent advances on the technique. The focus is on monochromatic ripples of frequency in the range 0.1–10 kHz. The methods to study capillary waves have been reviewed together with the emerging practical applications of theirs and new theoretical developments in the field.

State of decay controls